Trauma Rehabilitation Consultancy

Sessions are offered in the clinic or via phone and WhatsApp video call. Please select when booking. These sessions are only offered in English and Danish.

When you are affected by a trauma, it can be difficult to find your way back to a normal life, as well as to know which treatments and therapies can help with the exact challenges you have. All people are different and not all treatments and therapies are suitable for everyone. 

In the clinic, I offer individual guidance on dealing with physical and emotional trauma, injuries and shocks. I have a broad insight into therapies available, and it is very close to my heart to spread this knowledge, as many people do not have the knowledge of the specific therapies that can help them get back in balance properly.

In my guidance, I use my very own personal research and experience with getting back in balance after major injuries and trauma, as well as my experience with rehabilitation from my time as a therapist. In addition, I use my knowledge from courses in psychotherapy, communication and NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming at Holst & Holst / Vibeke Holst, Denmark, where I have also functioned as an assistant supervisor on courses.